Episode 74: Phantastes, Ch, 15-19
This week on The Literary Life podcast, our series on George MacDonald’s Phantastes continues. Today Angelina and Cindy discuss chapters 15-19. But before they get started, they announce the upcoming reading challenge for…
Episode 73: Phantastes, Ch. 10-14
This week on The Literary Life podcast, our hosts Angelina Stanford, Cindy Rollins and Thomas Banks continue their series on George MacDonald’s Phantastes, covering chapters 10-14. Angelina and Thomas open the book chat…
Episode 72: Phantastes, Ch. 5-9
Welcome back to The Literary Life Podcast and the second episode of our series on George MacDonald’s Phantastes, covering chapters 5-9. Angelina and Thomas kick off the book chat sharing some thoughts on…
Episode 71: Phantastes, Ch. 1-4
Welcome back to The Literary Life Podcast and the beginning of our series on George MacDonald’s Phantastes. Before our hosts, Angelina, Cindy and Thomas begin the book chat, though, we wanted to let…
Episode 70: Why Read Fairy Tales?
Today on The Literary Life Podcast, Angelina Stanford and Cindy Rollins tackle the topic of fairy stories, discussing the what, why and how of reading them. Angelina shares the distinctive characteristics of fairy…
Episode 59: “Leaf by Niggle” by J. R. R. Tolkien, Part 2
On this week’s episode of The Literary Life with Angelina Stanford, Cindy Rollins, and Thomas Banks continue their discussion of J. R. R. Tolkien’s short story “Leaf by Niggle“. If you missed the…
Episode 58: “Leaf by Niggle” by J. R. R. Tolkien, Part 1
Welcome to another episode of The Literary Life with Angelina Stanford, Cindy Rollins, and Thomas Banks. Both this week and next, our hosts will be discussing J. R. R. Tolkien’s short story “Leaf…
Episode 57: On Fairy Stories by J. R. R. Tokien
Today on The Literary Life podcast, we will be discussing J. R. R. Tolkien’s essay “On Fairy Stories“. Tune in again over the next two weeks as we continue the conversation with Tolkien’s…
Episode 37: “A Winter’s Tale” Act 4
This week on The Literary Life, Angelina, Cindy and Thomas dive in to Act 4 of Shakespeare’s A Winter’s Tale. We are excited to announce a new online conference coming on March 13-14,…